Read Write graduate, Ava Cocke.
Ava Cocke
University of Alabama, Sophomore Interior Design Major / Studio Arts Minor – Dean's List / 3.9 GPA Kappa Kappa Gamma, Gamma Pi Chapter, Active Member
I am thriving dyslexic! I also have ADHD, and I'm dysgraphic. Read Write taught me the tools I need to excel academically and, most importantly, instilled confidence in my dyslexic thinking that I use daily. I'm a slow reader. I can't spell, and my written grammar is horrible. But that is only part of who I am.
I completed the OG Read Write program in 2016. I went to Read Write twice a week from third through seventh grade. I used to tell people, "I take reading." As most of my friends would say, I take dance or gymnastics.
I'm a 2023 St. Micheal Catholic High School graduate. I'm proud to say I had a 4.0 in my senior year with AP English. I also maintained the Dean's list throughout high school. All because of the path ReadWrite set me on back in third grade. I'll admit it: I'm competitive, and I wanted to achieve, but my dyslexia held me back. I was willing to do the work, but Read Write unlocked the door to my potential.
The best tool they gave me was audiobooks. Mrs. Hunter used to tell me – I just want you to read. I don't care if it is with your eyes or EARS. That changed my world! Learning Ally awarded me with a $6,000 scholarship for my achievements. Check out this video: Click Here.
As a sophomore at the University of Alabama, I am studying Interior Design and minoring in Studio Art. I am excited to have been selected for the second year as a student intern for the Furnishings and Design Department of the University. Since being at college, I have maintained Dean's list status, and my favorite classes are Art History and AutoCad Design.
Read Write was a fundamental part of my childhood. For all the Inside Out fans, one could say it was a core memory or even one of my "islands." The Read Write teachers believed in me and gave me my classroom confidence back. What they did for me way back then still helps me today. I fondly remember all of my Read Write teachers and am so grateful for how much they advocated for me when I needed it most.
After college, I hope to pursue a master's degree in architecture and become a residential designer focusing on historic preservation.